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135 results found

  • Article
    18 May 2021

    Top 4 expense management challenges impacting your business

    Explore the key expense management challenges impacting your business and how you can solve them.


  • Article
    18 May 2021

    Are manual processes holding your finance team back?

    Are you leveraging your finance resources effectively? Liberate your finance team from manual processes & focus on value creation activities. Discover more here


  • Article
    18 May 2021

    Unlocking the benefits of Financials & SCM through Ci Anywhere

    What makes Financials and Supply Chain Management in Ci Anywhere different and valuable? Find out more


  • Article
    18 May 2021

    Current trends and challenges in supply chain management

    Discover the current challenges that organisations are facing in their supply chain management and how you can overcome these.


  • Article
    17 May 2021

    5 reasons to revisit your financial management

    Whether managing a crisis or helping growth, you need the right business tools. Explore 5 reasons why you need to revisit your financial management solution.


  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    Get onboard the proptech wave

    Discover why your property organisation needs to play defence and offence when it comes to your digital transformation strategy.
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    What is the outlook for higher education in 2021?

    There are 3 areas that institutions must pay attention to in the short- and medium-term in order to thrive in 2021. Learn what they are here.
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    How to choose the best application environment for your business

    As spend on enterprise software is set to increase, there are three degrees of integration organisations can consider. Discover which 3 here.
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    How SaaS has changed the dynamic between business and IT

    As the operating landscape shifts for IT departments, find out why CIOs are recognising the need to be closer to other business units.
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    How the government’s adoption of e-invoicing will drive digital transformation across ANZ

    Adoption of e-invoicing is a policy issue as much as it is a technological one. Here's why businesses need to be encouraged and incentivised to trigger adoption
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    Three ways SaaS can help mobile workforces

    As the size of the mobile workforce continues to grow, so does the need to enable and support government workers with an accessible document management solution
  • Article
    09 Apr 2021

    How TechnologyOne SaaS supports users with regular cybersecurity updates

    Cybersecurity is no longer just an IT issue, but a holistic consideration that affects all aspects of your business environment. Learn why here.
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